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Grit by Angela Duckworth 2016
Academic Tenacity Mindsets and Skills that Promote Long-Term Learning by Carol Dweck, Gregory Walton, and Geoffrey Cohen 2014
"Critical Habits of Mind: Exposing the Process of Development" by Jennifer Fletcher
Fostering Habits of Mind in Today's Students: A New Approach to Developmental Education
by Jennifer Fletcher, Adela Najarro, and Hetty Yelland 2015
"Teaching Adults to Read" by Michele Benjamin Lesmeister 2010
"African American and Latina(o) Community College Students' Social Capital and Student
Success" by Elena Sandoval-Lucero, Johanna B. Maes, and Libby Klingsmith 2014
"Using Student Voices to Redefine Support: What Community College Students Say Institutions,
Instructors and Others Can Do To Help Them Succeed" by the RP Group
"Students Choose Digital Over Print, But at What Cost?" by Tim Walker 2017
"Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge--Seven Principles
for Cultivating Communities of Practice" by Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott, and
William Snyder 2002