Welcome to Hartnell College! We are glad you have become a member of our faculty, serving as an instructor this semester. Each instructor brings his or her unique knowledge, experience, and skills into the classroom, offering our students a rich learning opportunity. As a faculty member, you are invited to participate in shared governance and professional development opportunities. This web page has been created to support your work.
Administrative and Professional Responsibilities
These links provide information about administrative procedures, reporting requirements, parking and payroll.
- Absences
- HCFA Contract, Forms, Grievance Form, Salary Schedule
- Mailboxes
- Office Relocation Request
- Oscar Form
- Parking Permits
- Procedures for Reporting Crime and Emergencies
- Payroll, Timesheets, Absence Forms
- Time & Effort Log
Campus Programs and Services
Learn about faculty shared governance roles, available administrative and bookstore services, and how to locate people and places on campus.
- Academic Senate
- Administrative Services
- Admissions & Records
- Audio Visual
- Behavioral Intervention Team
- Bookstore
- Campus Maps and Locations
- Campus Safety
- Cat Card
- Disabled Students Services
- Department Directory
- IT Help (iSupport)
- Library Faculty Services and Resources
- Professional Development
- Student Services
Teaching and Learning Resources
The following links provide access to information about accessing and making use of campus technology, classroom administration, instructional best practices, syllabus creation, and course design.
- Accessibility
- Canvas
- Classroom Audio Visual Support
- CurricUNET (How to access and view official course outlines)
- DUO 2-Step Verification
- eLumen Homepage
- Lesson Plan
- Logging Into Computers On/Off Campus
- Meeting Rooms
- Office Space for Adjunct Faculty
- Policies (Use of Hartnell College Technology BP & AP 3720)
- Professional Development Center
- Printing
- Research Home Page
- Scantrons
- Student Success Tutorial
- Syllabus
- Vision Resource Center
Class Management and Student Paperwork
Policies and procedures for classroom management, deadlines, final exams and access to course rosters.
- Academic Calendar
- Admissions & Records Forms
- Admissions & Records Handbook
- Credit for Prior Learning
- Field Trips
- Final Exam Schedule
- P.A.W.S. Self Serve video tutorial
- P.A.W.S. Self Serve guide
- P.A.W.S. Self Serve (My Hartnell)
- Policies & Procedures Relating to Student Rights, Responsibilities and Policies & Procedures
- Standards of Student Conduct
- Student Behavior in the Classroom