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Academic Notice (previously Academic Probation) is a way that Hartnell College attempts to help students who are struggling academically. Hartnell is heavily invested in supporting all students and making sure they are successful. The following academic standings are designed for staff and faculty to check in with students to make sure they can accomplish their goals at Hartnell. 

At Hartnell College, a student’s academic performance is measured by two main factors.  The first is grade point average (GPA); the second is by comparing the number of course units completed to the number of course units attempted.  A student who does not maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and complete at least 50% of their attempted coursework will be placed on academic and/or Progress Notice.

A student becomes subject to Academic Notice when he/she has enrolled in 12 or more semester units, even if the student later withdraws from any or all of these units.  At the point the student becomes subject to the notice rules, all previous units attempted will be considered in the determining the student’s academic status.

Placement on Academic Notice

A student shall be placed on Academic Notice when the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 in all graded units.

Removal from Academic Notice

A student shall be removed from academic notice when the student’s cumulative GPA becomes 2.0 or better.

Students on  Academic/Progress Notice Level 1 (A1/P1) must clear their status hold before registration by successfully completing the Hartnell College online Student Success Workshop (Academic/Progress Notice Level 1).  The hold will be removed within 24 hours of completion of the workshop during normal business hours.  To access the Student Success Workshop (Academic/Progress Notice Level 1), log into your "My Hartnell" account. 

Students on Academic/Progress Notice Level 2 (A2/P2) are required to complete an online College Success Workshop. This workshop will provide students with critical strategies for classroom success.  To access the Student Success Workshop ( Academic/Progress Notice Level 2), log into your "My Hartnell" account.

Students on Level 1 and 2 Academic/Progress Notice are strongly encouraged to meet with a Student Success Specialist if there are any questions about the process or steps necessary for removal from Academic/Progress Notice. In addition, it is critical for students to utilize tutorial services, communicate with Instructors and work closely with their Academic Counselor to develop a semester course schedule that works for them.

Placement on Progress Notice

A student shall be placed on progress notice when the number of units for which entries of “W” or Withdraw, “I” or Incomplete, “NP” or No Pass, and “NC” or No Credit are recorded and reaches or exceeds fifty-percent (50%) of all units attempted.

Removal from Progress Notice

A student on progress notice shall be removed from probation when the percentage of units in this category meets or exceeds completion of fifty-percent (50%) of attempted units.

Academic/Progress Dismissal (AD/PD)

A student shall be dismissed for one semester (not including summer session) if during each of the three consecutive semesters the student’s performance falls under one or the combination of the following two conditions:

  • The student’s cumulative GPA is less than 2.0
  • The percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of “W” or Withdraw, “I” or Incomplete, “NP” or No Pass, and “NC” or No Credit are recorded reaches or exceeds fifty-percent (50%) of all units attempted

A student on Dismissal status must submit an Academic/Progress Disqualification Appeal Form .

Student success is our mission.  If you need assistance with your coursework, we have tutorial services available at all of the campuses and centers.  In addition, we strongly encourage all students to communicate with their Instructors.  If you need any other type of assistance please be sure to connect with a counselor, we want to assist all students in achieving their educational goals.

Additionally, a student's Academic Standing can also relate to Enrollment Priorities, CA Promise Grants, and Financial Aid. 

Per Title 5, Section 58108 Regulations of the California Community College System, your calculated academic standing will impact your assigned registration date for future semesters.  A second consecutive term (fall/spring semesters) on academic or progress notice will result in the loss of continuing student priority registration.  This will also apply to any student over 100-unit limit (excluding non-degree applicable and ESL courses).  This means you would register after all continuing and new students thereby possibly losing your opportunity for the courses you need to meet your educational goal.

Please be aware a student that continues on a second consecutive term (fall/spring semesters) on academic or progress notice will result in the loss of the CA Promise Grant Fee Waiver.

Students on Level 1& Level 2 Notice are not affected by this policy but students on probation beyond Level 1 and 2 will have to check with the Financial Aid Office for their status.  

*There is an established  Loss of Enrollment Priority & CA Promise Grant Fee Waiver process. See Financial AId site.