Learn the same, without the cost of textbooks!
Zero Textbook Cost, or ZTC for short, refers to a course section that does not require the purchase of a textbook. Open Educational Resources (OER) are FREE textbooks or instructional materials that are not copyrighted so they can be distributed to students on the first day of class.
- If a course section is ZTC, it either utilizes OER, does not require a textbook, or the textbook cost is covered by the college.
- Low-Cost Textbook classes are sections that use a textbook that cost $40 or less.
- As textbook prices rise, more and more courses are utilizing OER to provide free alternatives to traditional textbooks.
- Hartnell College is also building ZTC course pathways to Degrees and Certificates with no textbook cost.
Have Questions? Contact us!
Lisa StormOpen Educational Resources Coordinator
Find Zero-Cost and Low-Cost Textbooks!
Use the Class Schedule
Did you know you can filter the Course Schedule to only display ZTC and/or Low Cost-Textbooks?
Go to the online course schedule
Use the Course Type filter to search by Zero Cost or Low Cost.
Need help? Watch this tutorial video
Need help? Watch this tutorial video
Click search and the class results will automatically populate to show only courses
with ZTC or Low-Cost sections. View Available Sections and look for the ZTC logo to
confirm it's a ZTC section.
ZTC Logo:
ZTC Logo: