Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
The associate degree nursing program at Hartnell College is in accordance with ACEN records, located in Salinas, California is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate degree nursing program is initial accreditation.
The ACEN is an entity that is responsible for the specialized accreditation of nursing education programs, both postsecondary and higher degree, which offer either a certificate, a diploma, or a recognized professional degree (clinical doctorate, master’s/post-master’s certificate, baccalaureate, associate, diploma, and practical).
California Board of Registered Nursing
The Hartnell College Registered Nursing Program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. The Board of Registered Nursing awarded Hartnell College "Continued Approval" status in October 2020. Nursing faculty was commended for academic and clinical instruction, relationships with clinical partners and community stakeholders, and commitment to students. Faculty keeps pace with the changing demands of the healthcare industry and community. The nursing curriculum is dynamic and ever-changing.
What is the Board of Registered Nursing?
The Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is a state governmental agency established by law to protect the public by regulating the practice of registered nurses. The BRN is responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Nursing Practice Act: the laws related to nursing education, licensure, practice, and discipline. The Nursing Practice Act created a nine-member Board which serves as the BRN decision-making body.
Board Members
The nine-member Board is composed of four members of the public and five registered nurses. The five registered nurses include three direct-client care nurses, a nurse administrator, and a nurse educator. Seven members are appointed by the Governor and two are appointed by the Legislature. Each member serves a four-year term and can be re-appointed, although the member cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
BRN Regulation
The BRN regulates California registered nurses. There are over 300,000 registered nurses in California providing health care services in a variety of settings. Regardless of the title or setting, the registered nurse's practice is governed by the Board of Registered Nursing.
BRN Consumer Protection
The BRN performs a variety of activities in its mission to protect consumers, including:
- Setting RN Educational Standards: The BRN sets educational standards for nursing programs which prepare individuals to become licensed as registered nurses.
- Approving California Nursing Programs: There are approximately 100 nursing programs which have been approved because they meet BRN educational standards.
- Evaluating Licensure Applications: Applications are evaluated to determine whether
the applicant meets all licensure requirements. To be licensed the applicant must:
- complete the educational requirements
- pass a national licensing examination
- be cleared through a background check for conviction of any crime which might make the applicant ineligible for licensure.
- Issuing and Renewing Licenses: Licenses are issued to applicants who meet the licensing requirements. The license must be renewed every two years.
- Issuing Certificates: The BRN issues certificates to eligible public health nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and clinical nurse specialists. The BRN also maintains a list of eligible psychiatric/mental health nurse specialists.
- Taking Disciplinary Action: If a nurse violates the Nursing Practice Act, the BRN may take disciplinary action against the nurse's license. Grounds for discipline focus on behaviors that place clients at risk of harm. The disciplinary action is dependent on the nature and severity of the violation and what is necessary to protect the public. The disciplinary action becomes a part of the RN's file and is accessible to the public.
- Managing a Diversion Program: The BRN's Diversion Program is an alternative to the discipline process for nurses whose practice may be impaired due to chemical dependency or mental illness. This confidential Program protects the public while enabling the nurse to be rehabilitated.
SB 466 (Hill)- Military Education and Experience Proposed Regulatory Change
SB 1348 (Cannella, 2016)- Licensure Applications: Military Experience
Program Description
The Hartnell College Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a defined group of pre‐requisite and co‐requisite courses that prepares students to become registered nurses. The four‐semester course of study consists of classroom, high‐fidelity simulation, nursing skills laboratory, seminar, interprofessional, and clinical experiences. While enrolled in the associate degree program, Hartnell students may enroll in transfer level courses that meet requirements for a Bachelor’s of Science degree in nursing. Graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX‐RN). After passing the licensure examination, graduates may practice as registered nurses in a variety of acute and community‐ based settings. Graduates demonstrate the leadership and comportment required for a professional nurse committed to competence, caring, collaboration, and curiosity, while providing safe, quality nursing care to diverse individuals in various care settings. The Hartnell College ADN Program is fully approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:
- incorporate leadership, management, and legal‐ethical principles to guide practice as a professional nurse.
- apply increasingly complex nursing judgement and theoretical concepts when providing safe nursing care to diverse individuals across the lifespan in a variety of settings.
- integrate caring into relationships and nursing interventions that demonstrate sensitivity to the values of others.
- communicate and collaborate with members of the interprofessional healthcare team to coordinate care and optimize health outcomes.
- model a spirit of inquiry when examining data, challenging the status quo, questioning underlying assumptions, and offering new insights to improve the quality of care.
NCLEX-RN Pass Rates
Expected Level of Achievement (ELA)
For first-time NCLEX test-takers, the pass rate will be at or above 88% or above the national mean program pass rate for the 12-month period of July 1-June 30
Testing Period
Licensure Examination Pass Rate as reported by the BRN
Jul 2016 - Jun 2017
91.18% (34)
Jul 2017- Jun 2018
100% (38)
Jul 2018 - Jun 2019
100% (42)
Jul 2019 - Jun 2020
89.74% (39)
Jul 2020 - Jun 2021
Not reported yet
ADN retention/program
Expected Level of Achievement (ELA)
ADN retention/program completion rates will be at 85%. ADN students completion within 6 semesters.
Year of Graduation | Program Completion Rate |
2017 | 88% (37/42) |
2018 | 100% (39/39) |
2019 | 98% (43/44) |
2020 | 100% (44/46) |
2021 | 95% (38/40) |