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Student Services Activities Fee

For fall and spring semesters, students must request a refund from the Cashier's Office. A 100% refund will be given through the second week of the semester upon complete withdrawal from classes. No refund will be given after the third week of classes. For summer semesters, 100% refund will be given through the first week of the semester upon complete withdrawal from classes. 

Instructional Materials Fees

Normally students are required to provide their own instructional and other materials for a credit or non-credit course if those materials are of continuing value to the student outside the classroom and provided that such materials are not solely or exclusively available from the district. 

In certain cases a course materials fee is charged. This fee covers materials that are required for health and safety reasons or material provided in lieu of other generally available but more expensive materials which would otherwise be required. Classes for which a materials fee is charged are specifically designated in the printed schedule of classes. A master list of approved course materials fees is maintained in the Office of Instruction. 

Parking Fees

For fall and spring semesters, students must request a parking refund from the Cashier's Office. A 100% refund will be given through the second week of the semester upon complete withdrawal from classes. The parking permit must accompany the Request for Parking Refund form. The same requirements apply to summer session; however, a 100% refund is only given through the first week of the session. 

Who To Contact

    Phone: 831-755−6998
    Building: B - Student Services
    B - Student Services
