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Tutor Schedules

A group of tutors.Tutoring: Panther Labs

The Panther labs are a great place to learn with other students and get help when you need it. 

Online Tutoring

All our individual tutoring sessions are available online by appointment, just ask to meet online! Email

Use the "NetTutor" button in your online or hybrid course delivered through Canvas to access free online tutoring! Find out which tutors are online right now!

Become a Tutor!

Earn money for your education as you gain valuable work experience, subject area knowledge, and have fun while helping other students succeed in their courses

The Panther Labs

Panther Learning Labs offer free workshops, Math  Academy, study groups, conversation groups, online tutoring, and in-person tutoring for a variety of academic courses. The centers recruit, hire, and trains tutors, as well as support and promote tutorial services on the two campuses in Salinas, as well as the campuses in Castroville, Soledad and King City.

Students interested in teaching careers are strongly encouraged to apply for tutorial positions. Select from the links above or on the left to learn about our services. view our schedules, or find out how to become a tutor. 


Would you like a classroom presentation about our services?

How about a tutor for your class(es)?

How about offering extra credit to students who attend the labs?

Find out about these services and more by visiting our "Faculty Services" link at the top right!  

Questions: Email

Who To Contact

  • Frank Henderson
    Tutorial Support Coordinator
    Phone: (831) 755-6738 or 6815
    Building: Main Campus B - Student Services
    Office: B230
    B - Student Services


  • B - Student Services Building

     Location type:  Building Building Name:  B - Student Services Building